International camp at Lohusuu: spadefoot toad

14. juuli - 17. juuli 2022

This camp will be carried out in English and the participants will be from various countries. The spadefoot toad is nocturnal and spends its days digging deep into the surface. Therefore, the spadefoot prefers habitats where the soil is grainy, for example, vegetable gardens and sandy areas. The toad emerges at night to feast on invertebrates such as spiders, ants, and beetles. Its tadpoles are the biggest in Estonia and can grow up to 13 cm long!

The number of spadefoot toads in Estonia has decreased rapidly during the last decades. The main reason behind this is the loss of habitats as modern agriculture with large fields and pastures supersede the mosaic landscape needed by these amphibians. The volunteers can help out by restoring habitats, mainly cutting brushwood and removing vegetation to increase the area of open sand.

The Lohusuu village is located on the border area of two interesting regions. The first one is East-Viru county, where oil shale mines, towns from the Soviet era, and industrial landscapes intertwine with a huge forestry region – Alutaguse National Park. The latter is the last refuge to the Estonian population of the Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans).

The second is the coastline of lake Peipus – the 4th largest lake in Europe – which comprises picturesque small towns and fishermen villages. The coastal area is the home to Russian Old Believers, who emigrated here centuries ago to find shelter from religious prosecution. Their traditional dishes, including smoked fish, and onions are worth tasting!

This nature volunteering camp is funded by Environmental Investment Centre.
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15 €
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How can I participate?

After clicking the "Register to camp" button, a yellow stripe will appear at the top of the page. It is possible to add several camps into the cart. Clicking on the yellow stripe will direct You to the cart where You can insert Your contact information and pay for the camp.

The registration sheet is only available in Estonian and here are the translations:
* Nimi = Name
* E-post = E-mail
* Vanus = Age
* Telefon = Phone number
* Asula, kust stardid talgutele = Location (city, town, or village)
* Olen talgutel varem osalenud = I have participated in ELF's camps before
* Eritoitumine = Special dietary requirements (allergies, gluten, lactose, vegetarian, vegan, etc)
* Muu info ja kommentaarid = Remarks and comments
* Nõustun üld- ja tagasimaksmise tingimustega = I agree with the terms and conditions

* Sooduskood / Rakenda = Discount code / Apply
* Edasi maksma = Proceed with payment
* Soorita tellimus = Make the purchase (Tasu arvega = Pay with a bill)

If the group is already full, You can add Your information to the waiting list and we will contact You if there is a vacancy.

Толока на хуторе Сандре (возраст 18 – 35 лет) Abruka saare rüditalgud